Benefits of Using an Elbow Tendonitis Brace

Benefits of Using an Elbow Tendonitis Brace

If you have new Tennis Elbow pain or old, chronic Tennis Elbow, it is likely that your doctor will recommend that you wear an Elbow Tendonitis Brace.

The reasons for this fall into two categories:

1. To compress, and not to immobilize your elbow and reduce swelling

2. To support you while your arm is active

3. Protect your injury from further infection

Do the tennis elbow braces I see some people wear work?

Yes, they do seem to help people. I'm going to use some fancy words to attempt to explain why we think they work. Wearing a brace is technically called lateral counter-force bracing. Therapists believe that lateral counter-force bracing reduces the magnitude of muscle contraction. Reducing the amount of load ( force ) placed on the tendons reduces the amount of micro-trauma in the region of the muscular attachment.

A lateral counter force brace is basically an inelastic cuff that is worn around on the forearm near the elbow joint. For lateral epicondylitis the brace is placed against the forearm flexors. The forearm flexors are the muscles that pull the top of the hand back towards the elbow.

The brace seems to work to limit the amount of muscle expansion as the muscle contracts. Limiting the muscle expansion reduces the amount of force that is generated.

It is important to remember to NOT become dependent on a counter force brace. It is recommended to gradually use the brace less and less as you progress through your rehabilitation program. Counter force bracing should be thought of as a supplement too, not a replacement for a well structured rehabilitation program.

If you have been suffering from elbow pain for a while, this Tennis Elbow brace may be just the thing to break the cycle of trauma so that your elbow can heal on it's own.

Elbow Brace - Benefits of Using an Elbow Tendonitis Brace
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