Tennis Elbow Cure?

Tennis Elbow Cure?

Tennis elbow is the pain located on the outside of the elbow most commonly occurring when gripping. It is associated with playing tennis, but can affect activities from doing the house work to shaking hands with a friend. For many people, especially coaches or serious tennis players, tennis elbow can become the bane of your life. I know because I am a tennis coach who had a 12 month battle with tennis elbow and I would like to share my experience with you in the hope of helping other coaches or tennis fanatics overcome the injury.

Tennis elbow is an overuse injury - technically called lateral epicondyle - that affects the tendon on the outside of the elbow. For a tennis player it most commonly occurs due to the constant stress on the tendon from hitting 1000's upon 1000's of balls. This stress can be compounded by mistiming the ball, especially on the one handed backhand. Interestingly the incidence of tennis elbow is far less common in double handed backhands.

In my case it was caused by trialling a stiffer racket - so many of today's modern rackets and strings create a stiffer feel which can place extra stress on the elbow tendon. After just one hour the pain had become extreme and I was to endure it for over twelve months. As a full time tennis coach this was a less than ideal scenario.

With my income on the line I quickly had to get to work treating the problem. As a coach rest was not an option, but I was quickly on the internet - which has a huge amount of data on tennis elbow. In no particular order I undertook the following treatment program:

- Physiotherapy. Once a week massage and manipulation ran into 00's of dollars over time.
- Anti inflammatory drugs. 3 times a day I took ibuprofen with a cup of green tea [which was highly recommended treatment also]
- Strengthening and stretching. 3 times a day I completed a routine which aimed to strengthen and stretch the forearm extensors and triceps surrounding the elbow joint.
- Elbow brace. I trialled several forms of elbow strap which were designed to take the stress away from the elbow tendon.
- Heat and ice. Three times a day I would ice the elbow then put a heat pack on to stimulate the healing process.
- Acupuncture. Once no progress was achieved with physio I took a course of acupuncture each week.
- Rest. After several months of frustration I set aside 1 month where I would play no tennis.
- Changing racket and string combination.

Despite my best efforts I was experiencing no improvement and the injury was in fact deteriorating.

Various invasive procedures like injecting cortisone were the next option, but this procedure had very weak evidence of success. Using my favorite research tool the internet I turned up a procedure which was achieving promising results called an "autologous blood injection." This involves drawing blood from your body and re-injecting into the elbow. The injection is made under CT scan so that it is made at exactly the right point on the elbow tendon.

The theory is that when blood is taken from the body it reacts by releasing its healing agents. When that blood is then re injected into the injured elbow tendon it will speed the healing process. Tendons are notoriously slow healers as they don't have the blood flow that muscles enjoy. The autologous blood injection gives the tendon the "kick along" it needs. The research on the blood injections showed promising results, although often patients need 2 - 3 injections to fully resolve the problem.

I was prepared to try it. The first step was to visit a sports physician who scheduled a scan on my elbow. Sure enough the scan showed a significant tear in the elbow tendon. Next the injection was organized to be performed by a very well regarded surgeon under CT scan. While a local anesthetic was administered the procedure was very painful. This pain however was short lived, and I was quite comfortable 1 - 2 hours after the injection.

The first week I completely rested the arm in a sling to give the procedure the best chance of success. After two weeks the tennis elbow appeared to have gone. For the first time in twelve months I was able to play and coach without pain - I would estimate it has been a 90% recovery and a fantastic result.

Clearly each case of tennis elbow is different - and sufferers should consult their physio and sports physician to get the best possible diagnosis and treatment. My particular injury was a tendonosis, which is a degenerative problem and therefore a candidate for the autologous blood injection. Tendonitis might be treated by more traditional methods.

What I would recommend is that chronic sufferers of tennis elbow consider the autologous blood injection with their doctor if they can't shake the injury. It worked for me after one injection. The pain and frustration of tennis elbow was ruining my tennis career, the blood injection was nothing short of a miracle for which I am very grateful.

Elbow Brace - Tennis Elbow Cure?
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Knee Replacement and Your Hospital Stay

Knee Replacement and Your Hospital Stay

Preparing for your first knee replacement surgery in the hospital can be daunting if you are not sure what to expect.

Once a surgery has been scheduled by your orthopedic surgeon and the hospital you will attend has been agreed upon be sure to find out if they conduct a pre-operative class for joint replacement recipients.

These classes will give you some more in depth insight as to how your surgery and follow-up will be conducted during your hospital stay. The old saying " preparation breeds confidence" holds true no matter what the task at hand is.

Generally you are admitted the morning of your scheduled surgery. After some final paperwork is completed and final verification is carried out you are then taken to the back staging area where you will change clothes and placed on a stretcher. There you will pre-medicated for the surgery to relax you then followed by further medication before being taken into the operating room.

The surgery itself can be can be completed in 1 1/2 to 2 hours if there are no complications. In some case depending on the surgeons experience, the surgery is finished quicker. After spending time in the recovery room you will be taken back to your room to recover from the after effects of the anesthesia and monitored further.

Physical therapy is started the following morning. getting you up and out of bed is one of the main objectives. Getting up and moving has been shown over the years to result in less medical complications and, speeds up your recovery.

Your physical therapy while in the hospital will involve two sessions a day. One in the morning and, another in the afternoon. Making sure you are pre-medicated before treatment is a must. Be sure to stay in touch with your nursing staff and therapist to get the timing down with the medication.

it will take oral pain medication about 30 minutes to start doing its job.

Your exercises while in the hospital will consist of a series of isometric exercises. You will be given gentle range of motion exercises to get the knee to bend and extend. This is not the place where aggressive therapy has to be given. Your physical therapists touch and their ability to make you feel at ease with the treatment are a must.

You will be given a walker to start your ambulation or gait training with as you begin walking in your room and in the hallways. You will find out of all the exercises etc.. the walking is the easiest. You should not feel pain when you step down on the operated leg itself. Yes it will be stiff and tight but pain will not be an issue here.

Your stay should be between two and three days in an acute care hospital. Once its determined you are medically stable, you can get out of bed and move around then it will be determined between you, your surgeon and the hospital staff whether you will go directly home or continue with further therapy in a skilled nursing facility.

That decision is made according to your living arrangements, if you have someone at home that can take care of you etc...

Your surgeon will use the hospital that they either have an arrangement with or, one that they feel more comfortable with. Your overall hospital stay will really determine on the quality of its staff. Most hospitals that have a separate orthopedic wing have nurses that are trained extremely well in that area.

Other then the ICU units the orthopedic staff I have found in my career are a close second when it comes to care and observation skills.

Communicating with the medical and rehabilitation staff are vital for a smooth recovery. Make sure when you are placed either in a chair or placed back in bed you have all your communication equipment available. Your telephone and call bell will be your lifelines while there.

Preparation breeds confidence it has been said and knowing what to expect and how the department runs through a pre-operative class will take some of the mystery out of your hospital stay.

Elbow Brace - Knee Replacement and Your Hospital Stay

How to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Without Surgery

How to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Without Surgery

Let me start off by explaining what Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is exactly. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is when a nerve innervating (has control of) the hand becomes trapped or inflamed. When entrapment or inflammation of a nerve innervating the hand occurs it can cause symptoms of numbness, tingling, and weakness in that hand.

The generalized conception about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is it only occurs at the wrist. This is true for the most part but, it can actually occur in three other spots as well. If you're only treating the wrist and not getting results, then odds are you need to look elsewhere. Where else you might ask?

We need to look at the bigger picture. Where do the nerves to the hand start? If you answered the neck then you're right! It's possible there could be an issue at the neck causing the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. As you follow the nerve, the next possibility is at the shoulder, then to the elbow, and finally to the wrist again.
Many doctors and physical therapist over look the trail the nerve must travel in order to get the hand. If you only had your wrist treated without luck, don't give up hope just yet. What you need to do is treat the other possibilities. How?

Stretching, stretching, stretching and again I say stretching. Why is stretching so affective? The biggest reason anyone is experiencing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is because the nerve is under tension. What stretching does is causing the nerve to get stretched/pull back into its original place relieving tension. Look at surgery for instance (not my recommendation) they go in and cut out excess tissue that is causing tension on the nerve.

Stretching isn't the only way to go about treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I have also had good results with distraction of the joint. Let me elaborate on what I mean by distraction. It is no different than when you jam your finger and all you do is pull on it. Of course there are tricks and tips to proper distraction but I'm sure you get the gist of it.

Knowing when to brace is also very key to relieving the symptoms. Many doctors will give you a brace and say I want you to wear this for 2 weeks or for such and such amount of time. I personally don't think this is a great idea. The key to proper bracing is putting it on when you know you're going to perform a task or activity which causes the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to flare up. Why shouldn't you wear a brace the whole time? Joints were designed to do one thing, move! Allowing joints to move can actually take out some of the inflammation occurring. Not only that, but joints need to move because this is how they get their nutrients to support normal join function.

I know Carpal Tunnel Syndrome isn't an easy thing to live with everyday. I just want you to know there are other options out there besides surgery. Surgery should always be a last resort because once you go under the knife there is no changing the outcome.

Elbow Brace - How to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Without Surgery

Epilock Tennis Elbow Strap, Size: Sm/Med

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Review - Best Buy Epilock Tennis Elbow Strap, Size: Sm/Med On Sale And Discount Price!

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Review - Epilock Tennis Elbow Strap, Size: Sm/Med
  • The Seller usually ships this product within 1-2 business days. In accordance with their customer-centric policy, this Seller does not charge your credit card until the product has been shipped. If unexpectedly, a product is on back order, the Seller may take longer to ship the product however the Seller in all cases, will inform its customers immediately with a choice to cancel or hold the order until shipped.
  • Before you use any product for health care, we advise that you consult your physician or primary healthcare provider and seek the appropriate advice and supervision prior to use.
  • Product photo may not exactly match the product offered for sale. Please refer to the product description.

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How to Survive Meniscus Tear Knee Pain - Braces That Help Provide Support

How to Survive Meniscus Tear Knee Pain - Braces That Help Provide Support

Question : Are you looking for a way to survive your knee pain after you have injured your meniscus?

If you would like free information on how to help reduce this kind of knee pain then read on...

1.) What Your Meniscus Does

Your meniscus is a shock-absorbing cartilage found in your knee. Tears occur most commonly when a person excessively twists or over-flexing their knee joint. Often times it is a sports related injury.

There is a meniscus located in two parts of each of your knees. One provides shock absorption on the outside aspect (also known as the lateral aspect), and the other is located on the medial aspect (inside portion of the knee). It also keeps your femur (thighbone) and tibia (shinbone) from grinding against each other. In other words, if a person was somehow unfortunate enough to be born without their menisci, their weight would fall squarely upon their bones and this would promote boney fractures and a ton of knee joint pain.

Even a very small tear to the meniscus can cause a lot of pain, which is the overall reason why the health of your meniscus is vitally important. If an individual is older and they have brittle cartilage, they can be more prone to a meniscus tear.

2.) Symptoms include:

A popping feeling can occur at the time of injury

Knee joint pain When pressure is applied to the knee joint, knee pain can occur at the space between the bones.

A locking sensation can occur at the knee joint

Recurrent knee-catching

3.) Diagnosis

When you see your physician after a knee injury and you are concerned about a meniscal tear, he/she will look at your history, and can perform a manual test like the Apley's compression test, or the McMurray's test. Your physician may also use an X-ray or MRI determine the severity of your knee injury. Surgery is not always required, unless the damage is extensive.

4.) Treatment

Icing can help reduce knee swelling and reduce knee pain after a meniscal tear. In addition, it is important to stay away from any activity that inflames your knee pain.

5.) A Knee Brace For Support

A well designed knee support can also help patients who have suffered a knee injury, such as a meniscal tear. Excessive side to side movements can be restricted and the support a knee brace can provide can reduce your knee pain.

If you are an active person, you can use knee braces for a prophylactic purpose. When you use a knee support when you are healthy you may help prevent a knee tear. A well designed knee brace can be a very useful adjunct to the health of your knee.

A good physician will tell you that they use surgery as a last resort; telling you that conservative measures should be considered first:

A meniscus repair can be used to help treat your meniscus, but more often a meniscectomy is performed, which removes the damaged part of the meniscus.

If you suffer a meniscal tear once, you are more likely to have further problems, such as arthritis. Prevention is the best method to avoid such an injury. Making lifestyle choices that can help prevent this injury are recommended, such as staying in shape. The extra weight can only be an increased burden upon your meniscii.

Elbow Brace - How to Survive Meniscus Tear Knee Pain - Braces That Help Provide Support

Support - Elbow - Epi-Lock Small/Medium

Let's To Get Epi-Lock On Black Friday! At Low Price And Best Promotion. Or You Can Read Review And See Comparison Price List To Decision Before Get Cheapest For Epi-Lock And Making The Best Purchase It On Black Friday! In This Store. Congratulations To You!! Because Now! Support - Elbow - Epi-Lock Small/Medium In This Store Is On Discount For Black Friday!! It So Discount To 80% For The Lowest Price And Cheapest But Good Quality 100% Amazon Guaranteed. And Very Important!, This Store Is Useful You To Save Money Every Way, Because This Store Is Amazon Primary Partner Store. Qualified Orders Over 25$ Free Shipping! In 2 Days. Good luck For Purchase In This Store.

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Oct 09, 2011 22:16:04
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Review - Support - Elbow - Epi-Lock Small/Medium
  • color is beige

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Metal AFO - The Benefits of This Kind of Brace - Where to Get This Orthosis

Metal AFO - The Benefits of This Kind of Brace - Where to Get This Orthosis

Metal AFOs, Why You Can Benefit From One

1.) Reasons For Using A Metal ankle foot orthosis.

Many patients will turn to a metal AFO for one of two reasons:

A.) History of Edema

The patient who has fluctuating edema (swelling) can need to have room to expand and contract; with respect to volume of their limb. - A metal AFO (ankle foot orthosis) has medial and lateral uprights that go up and down the side of the leg (below the knee) and are attached to a shoe. These uprights are not directly in contact with the skin and this is done for a good reason. - This room on the sides of the leg allows a person with edema to still use the brace when their swelling goes up and down. If this swelling became much more controlled after the provision of this brace, the uprights of the brace could be recontoured and this space could be reduced if requested by the patient.

When you compare this to other thermoplastic AFOs, you will note that a traditional plastic AFO can not allow this same amount of room on the leg and still be effective for a patient. Yes, both thermoplastic and metal AFOs can be adjusted, but it is important to note that a plastic brace needs to be in more total contact with your leg to be effective.

B.) History of Using Metal AFOs

People will typically also turn to the use of a metal AFO when they have used one in the past. This is a second major reason for using a metal ankle foot orthosis. Many people have been burned in the past by trying something that they are unfamiliar with. The same person might also believe that if what they have used a metal AFO in the past and it works, then why change it?

2.) Where To Find A Metal AFO

It is very important to visit a licensed orthotist in your area to get a quality metal AFO. Why? - When you get one of these braces made for you (or one of your patients) then you will want to go with someone that has experience. This is typically an orthotist, aka a professional brace provider. - These braces (as described in this article) typically consist of a leather calf band which is attached to metal uprights. The uprights are connected to ankle joints (which are adjustable) and these ankle joints are connected to a stirrup within the shoe you will use with the brace. - Sounds simple, but if a professional does not make this brace for you, something is bound to go wrong.

3.) Benefits of Metal Ankle Foot Orthoses

These kinds of braces can help to provide needed support to someones ankle and foot. This is important when you have a problem with weakness or instability at the ankle joint. Moreover, it is also important to use a brace (whether metal or plastic) because this can help to provide indirect support at your knee. This can help to limit knee hyperextension or knee buckling.

Elbow Brace - Metal AFO - The Benefits of This Kind of Brace - Where to Get This Orthosis

Carpal Lock Wrist Support Right Medium

Get The Best Buy For Carpal Lock On Black Friday! At Low Price And Best Promotion. Or You Can Read Review And See Comparison Price List To Decision Before Get Cheapest For Carpal Lock And Making A Great Purchase It On Black Friday! In This Store. You Are Coming The Right Way!! Because This Time Carpal Lock Wrist Support Right Medium In This Store Is On Sale For Black Friday!! It So Discount To 80% For The Lowest Price And Cheapest But Good Quality 100% Amazon Guaranteed. And Very Important!, This Store Can Help You To Save Money Every Way, Because This Store Is Amazon Primary Partner Store. Qualified Orders Over 25$ Free Shipping! In 2 Days. Good luck For Purchase In This Store.

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Oct 08, 2011 16:58:32
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Knee Pain Relief - Do Knee Braces Work? - Special Report on the Effective Use of These Supports

Knee Pain Relief - Do Knee Braces Work? - Special Report on the Effective Use of These Supports

Have you ever wondered if knee braces work?

Yes they do! And, No They do Not! - More on the pros and cons later in this article...

1.) First things first, you need to know this information presented here, if you are looking into purchasing a knee brace in the future. Some supports do not cut it, and you need to know how to avoid purchasing the wrong knee brace.

2.) Moreover, we are confident that you will learn a lot here, and this article could seriously change the way you look at knee supports. With the correct support you can reduce knee pain and increase stability. With the wrong support you can actually do damage to your knee.

Before we prove that knee braces do work, we want to discuss why they do not. (Read this carefully) If you have an ACL tear, MCL tear, or meniscus tear, you need to think about supporting these particular instabilities. (Bottom line) If you just get a really simple "knee sleeve" that is made from an elastic material, then this is probably not going to support a more unstable injury. Knee sleeves do work for minor knee issues, but not for more serious ones. Remember this.

If you have a more serious knee instability, you need to focus on getting the proper knee brace. If you have a ligament tear or a meniscus tear, you need to help protect medial to lateral movements, plus excessive front to back movements at your knee. - What this all means is that you will need a knee brace that includes medial and lateral uprights and a hinge on each side of the knee to help control painful movements. You will still be able to move very well, but when you have a more serious knee injury you need to have a knee brace that will control excessive movements that will further insult your knee.

Knee supports can be your new best friend. Do not go to someone that is not a specialist when you are looking to buy one. Moreover, know that "knee sleeves" are for mild knee issues. If you have knee pain then you should rate it on a scale 1-10. If you are above a 5-10, then you seriously need to stay away from what only a knee sleeve can provide. More than likely, this support is going to help, but maybe not enough for a serious injury. Research other knee supports, the descriptions at online sites should describe what each knee support provides. If not, then RUN! Just a word to the wise.

Elbow Brace - Knee Pain Relief - Do Knee Braces Work? - Special Report on the Effective Use of These Supports

Complete Tear of Your ACL - A New Knee Brace Can Help Protect You

Complete Tear of Your ACL - A New Knee Brace Can Help Protect You

Question : Have you completely torn your ACL (anterior cruciate ligament)?

Maybe you have really hurt it, but you have not completely ruptured the ligament...

1.) How Someone Tears Their ACL

Contact Injury : Many times people think that it will take a traumatic incident to rupture their ACL. You can envision a scenario at a sporting event, or some physical activity where your knee takes a serious hit and as a result you may hear a popping noise! You can guess what that popping noise is, right? - Your ligament.

Non-Contact Injury : While it is entirely possible that a person can tear their ACL due to an impact injury, you may be surprised to learn that an ACL tear can often happen as a result of a sudden twist of your leg, while your foot is firmly planted on the ground. - A person who is moving at fast speeds, that tries to make a sudden stop or change of direction may find themselves in this situation.

2.) How To Help Protect Your ACL

Whether you have hurt your ACL or not, you should consider protecting it. It is unfortunate that many people do not protect their knees prior to injury.

One of the very best ways to help support and protect the structural integrity of your knee is with the use of a well designed knee brace. With the current improvements in knee brace design, you can actually find a great low profile support that is both strong and lightweight. - These kinds of supports can help protect a current knee injury from getting worse, or help protect a knee injury from ever happening in the first place.

3.) Controlling Painful and Unstable Movements

A well designed knee support will help you to avoid certain side to side movements, or front to back movements that have gotten you in trouble in the first place. - Usually, these supports have a hinge on each side of the knee that is connected to medial and lateral uprights. These components will help to eliminate excessive and dangerous movements.

4.) Pain Control

Many times due to the support that they can provide, a person will indicate that their knee pain has reduced! People will say that it is like getting a pain killer, but it is in the form of a knee support. The great thing about these braces is that you can get them very quickly and they can provide years of support.

Elbow Brace - Complete Tear of Your ACL - A New Knee Brace Can Help Protect You

MANFDISC-Sportaid Neoprene Elbow Brace #9035, Blue, Extra Large

Best Price For SportAid 9035XL On Black Friday! At Save Price And Value Promotion. Or You Can Read Review And See Comparison Price List To Decision Before Get Cheapest For SportAid 9035XL And Get The Great Purchase It On Black Friday! At This Store. You Are Coming The Right Way!! Because Now! MANFDISC-Sportaid Neoprene Elbow Brace #9035, Blue, Extra Large In This Store Is On Sale For Black Friday!! It So Discount To 70% For The Lowest Price And Cheapest But Good Quality 100% Amazon Guaranteed. And Very Important!, This Store Is Help You To Save Money Every Way, Because This Store Is Amazon Primary Partner Store. Qualified Orders Over 25$ Free Shipping! In 2 Days. Good luck For Purchase In This Store.

SportAid 9035XL
Review - Best Buy MANFDISC-Sportaid Neoprene Elbow Brace #9035, Blue, Extra Large On Sale And Discount Price!

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Oct 05, 2011 16:37:27
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Review - MANFDISC-Sportaid Neoprene Elbow Brace #9035, Blue, Extra Large
  • slip-on style with tapered fit.
  • Features loop-lock tension strap which applies pressure to muscles of the forearm
  • Blue nylon exterior, black interior,

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How to Overcome a Sore Stiff Knee - The Lazy Man's Guide to Dealing With the Pain - Special Report

How to Overcome a Sore Stiff Knee - The Lazy Man's Guide to Dealing With the Pain - Special Report

Do you have soreness or stiffness in your knees?

The problem is, knee pain, soreness and stiffness cannot be wished away. They are generally signs of an undying condition or are a sign that you have over exerted the use of your knees. When you first begin to experience such issues you will need to determine the origin of the stiffness and pain.

If you have not been doing anything out of the ordinary and have began to experience a sore stiff knee, then you may have a medical problem for which you may need to seek the assistance of a trained physician.

Why Do I Have A Sore Stiff Knee?

That's a good question! If you have already seen a doctor and are still experiencing a sore stiff knee there are a few things that you might want to consider and speak to your doctor about further.

For instance, if your knees are sore and stiff or pop and grind, then you could be suffering from patellofemoral syndrome, which is also more commonly known as "runner's knee."

Women are more apt to have patellofemoral syndrome than men are, due to the fact that it involves the grinding of bone caused by a misaligned kneecap that grates over the thighbone. Women have larger thighbones, and it is believed that they are more apt to acquire this disorder that can cause stiff knees. Don't let the syndromes slang name "runner's knee" make you think that the syndrome is exclusive to athletes. Individuals who exert their knee through other means or are even couch potatoes can still be diagnosed with patellofemoral syndrome.

Another common cause of sore stiff knees can be attributed to tendonitis. This is an inflammation of the tendons that connect your kneecaps to your shinbones. Tendonitis can cause stiffness and soreness in the knees, making it very uncomfortable for the person who is dealing with it.

These are just two of the most obvious reasons that you could be experiencing sore still knee pain. However, your stiffness could be a result of simply overusing your knees in strenuous activity.

How Do I Make My Sore Stiff Knee Pain Go Away?

There are a variety of medical related alternatives involving physical therapy and medications that could ease the stiffness in your knee (speak with your physician prior to taking any medications). However, the most common and effective treatments can usually be done from the convenience of your home.

Simple rest and elevation of the knees can increase blood flow and can likewise ease the pain from stiffness.

In addition individuals who have worn a knee brace when first experiencing stiffness of the knees have reported that their stiffness subsided or had simply gone away. A knee brace can provide extra comfort and support of the knee, which can help promote healing. On top of that a knee brace costs pennies on the dollar and is one the simplest methods of putting an end to sore stiff knee pain, especially compared to long term usage of pain medications or that of surgery.

Elbow Brace - How to Overcome a Sore Stiff Knee - The Lazy Man's Guide to Dealing With the Pain - Special Report

Leatt Brace - Adventure Neck Brace Review

Leatt Brace - Adventure Neck Brace Review

Don't you just hate having neck aches from forcible riding movements? That's every riders concern. The helmet, back and chest protectors, elbow and knee guards-completes your safety riding gear. Well that's what you think, how about your neck? As a rider I know that it is one of the vulnerable parts that I need to protect. I won't ride my bike without a neck brace; it's my life saver.

I've been into a serious accident before and because of lack in wearing the required protectors, my neck was seriously injured. My doctor advised me to ride my bike less often. My bike has become my best buddy and I can't keep myself from riding it. The best advised he gave me is to have a neck brace every time I ride my bike. He recommended Leatt Brace to use; he's a rider too and one's had been into this situation too. My family ordered it online and after months of healing my neck, finally I was able to ride my bike again. Leatt brace gave me the ultimate support that my neck needs. It's a must have for riders who don't want to lose their neck. If you think that this will distract you from riding, no it will not! It will only take 30 minutes to get used to it while riding. The peace of mind itself is worth every dollar.

I make my monthly visit with my doctor and I told him how Leatt brace keeps my neck protected; thanks to his recommendation. It's been two years now since I started using it and will continue to use it, I hope you learned something from my experience. To have a neck brace is a must, don't risk your life. Get Leatt Brace Adventure Neck Brace now!

Elbow Brace - Leatt Brace - Adventure Neck Brace Review

Importance of Proper Attire While Skating

Importance of Proper Attire While Skating

Skating is a fun game. There is nothing like moving fast on wheels in an empty road. However, absence of proper skating attire can convert your fun-filled day into a tragic one. For instance, falling without knee pads due to a sudden ditch on the road can hurt your knees badly. Therefore, it is important to be properly attired with all the protective gears from head to toe to ensure that the fun ride ends up with fun only. In this article we will cover various protective accessories in a top-to-down pattern

Head, Face, and Mouth

It is very unlikely that you fall on your face while skating. Still, nothing like going fully prepared. A strong helmet can help protect your head in case of a collision or fall. Glasses and mouth guards can help protecting eyes and mouth respectively. Though, both these items are optional, but using them is a good idea.

Elbow Pads

Wearing a pair of padded elbow pads is very important for protecting your elbows from scratches and injuries. Although in absence of the pads, you can wear a full sleeve shirt, but it will act only as a quick alternative and is not better than elbow pads.

If you are wearing a short sleeve shirt, then it is vital to wear elbow pads. While skating at high speed if you fall forward, there are good chances that you may hurt your elbow. You will definitely want to protect your elbow and for that elbow pads are must.

Knee Pads

Whether you are a new skater likely to experience frequent falls or an experienced skater who love to do stunts and tricks, knee pads is the most important protective accessory for you. Especially if you fall during a jump while skating, wearing a knee pad will help you save your knees Elbows and knees are two most injury prone areas for a skater and that is why elbow and knee pads are two must have protective accessories for every level of skaters.


Skateboarding shoes are very important to help maintain a proper balance while skating. It is not advisable to go skating in a pair of running shoes. Your safety should be your first concern and therefore it is advised to invest in a pair of good skateboarding shoes.

In addition to the items mentioned above, you can also use equipment like wrist guards, ankle guards, tailbone protectors, etc. While having all these equipments with you may not be possible, still you can try to arrange as many as possible. After all your safety comes first!

Elbow Brace - Importance of Proper Attire While Skating

Treatment For Tennis Elbow - Pneumatic Armband

Treatment For Tennis Elbow - Pneumatic Armband

Are you an avid tennis player, but recently, began to experience some arm pain on and off the court? Do you have constant and worsening elbow pain that hurts a lot while you try to shake hands or lift objects with your wrist? You may be suffering from a bad case of tennis elbow, regardless of whether or not you play tennis.

Tennis elbow is a term that many use to refer to a problem caused by overusing the forearm and arm muscles. Overuse of these muscles can cause serious pain, predominantly in the elbow, but potentially extending to other parts of the elbow and arm. The reason for this pain lies in the muscles and tendons that connect to the bone within the elbow. Tendons in this area can tear or rupture, either all of a sudden or over time, which results in this condition commonly referred to as "tennis elbow." Another name for this medical condition is "golfer's elbow," since golfing can occasionally result in the same injuries and pain, and it is referred to medically as "medial epicondylitis." Usually, this affliction becomes present in a person's dominant arm, but it is also known to occur in both arms or in the non-dominant arm.

Treatment for tennis elbow varies depending on the circumstances of the patient, but it is often treated with braces and pain medications. A tennis elbow device can be one of many different designs. Some braces for curing tennis elbow are long and provide a lot of compression and coverage, while others are more compact and easier to train with. A brace or band compresses the afflicted muscle during rest or training, allowing it to heal without being re-damaged and alleviating bone and muscle pain.

One of the best-selling tennis elbow bands on the market is the Aircast Pneumatic Armband. It is small, designed to be comfortable and versatile and ideal for the athlete in training. Training with tennis elbow is made very easy with the Armband, since it provides cushioning and compression to the afflicted muscle while conforming to the angles of the arm and elbow for extra comfort and movement. The Armband provides instantaneous relief when worn, and does not inhibit the arm's range of motion or add excessive weight.

Designed with the athlete in mind, the Aircast Armband makes use of a single air-inflated cell, putting pressure only on the afflicted muscle and nowhere else on the arm. Its breathable material is comfortable and light, ensuring that athletes do not suffer discomfort while using the Armband to recover from tennis elbow. The Armband is small and portable, easy to take on and off the court or golf course by sticking it in a pocket, tennis bag or golf bag. The Armband is easy to put on and take off, since it only consists of one Velcro strap that is easy to apply and remove.

Elbow Brace - Treatment For Tennis Elbow - Pneumatic Armband